Mini Femundsmarka - The characteristic landscape but far more accessible!

Welcome to Jyltingsmarka, a large area of interconnected small lakes and rivers located 10km east of Femund Canoe Camp. Avoid all the heavy carriages you will meet in Femundsmarka National park. Here, carriages are of a maximum of 10m to 200m and you can stay with your tent at one of the numerous icelands or in shallow bays. Perfect for a relaxing weekend trip!

You can paddle rather freely around in Jyltingsmarka, and there is no need for us to recommend any particular route. This is a protected area with only small differences in altitude between the lakes. Because of the lakes’ small sizes, you can usually paddle even when winds are at their strongest. Visit for instance the lakes Halvorsjøen, Glen, Bursjøen, Håen, Skjeftskjøen and Stor-Jyltingen.

Bring the canoe on your car’s rooftop, or let us arrange the transport. Combine with hikes to Jyltingsvola, Sorkvola or Gutulivola.


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